1. Filosofiya Nauki (The Philosophy of Science) is an official scientific journal of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS, which publishes the following materials free of charge:
a) previously unpublished article which present new research results on philosophy, methodology, logic and history of natural science and mathematics, as well as on fundamental problems of natural science;
b) previously published works and archives on philosophy, methodology, logic and history of natural science and mathematics which contain original ideas that are relevant for the development of modern science, if they are little-known or unknown to a wide range of readers;
c) reviews of works on philosophy, methodology and logic of natural science and mathematics appeared in other publications;
d) reports on scientific conferences, symposia and congresses;
e) brief scientific reports, notes and letters.
The main sections of the journal:
- General Issues of History and Philosophy of Science,
- Problems of Logic and Methodology of Science,
- Fragments of the History of Science,
- Archive Fragments,
- For Learners of the History and Philosophy of Science,
- Scientific Life. Surveys. Reviews,
- Letters to the Editor.
2. The journal is included in the list of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals issued in the Russian Federation, in which the main scientific results presented in candidate of philosophy and doctor of philosophy theses should be published.
3. Articles submitted to the editorial board are examined by its members and, if necessary, are subjected to external peer reviewing. The authors are notified of the decision taken via e-mail which is given in the article. If the decision is negative, the editors does not enter into correspondence and theoretical discussions.
It is unacceptable to submit previously published works to the editorial board, as well as articles compiled from citations and/or statements of previously published works, if there is no novelty relating to the development of ideas presented in previous works.
4. Materials should be carefully prepared for publication:
a) a prerequisite for the publication of material is the indication of UDC corresponding to the main sections of the journal;
b) at the beginning of the article, the initials and surname of the author (authors) and the title of the article should be given;
с) following the title, an abstract in Russian (up to 200 words), which clearly formulates the main idea of the work, and keywords (up to 10 words) should be placed.
The abstract and keywords in Russian should be followed by the title, abstract and keywords in English. The initials and surname of the author (authors) must be given in Latin transliteration.
d) at the end of the article (following the reference list), in the information about the author (authors) there should be specified the surname, full first name and patronymic, the author's academic degree and title (if any), position, the full name of the institution with address details, office phone number, fax number, and e-mail address.
Information about the author (authors) should be provided in Russian and English. The surname, full first name and patronymic must be given in Latin transliteration.
4.1. Bibliographic references:
a) in the text of the article, in square brackets there should be indicated the order number of the source in the reference list; if a quote is given, it is necessary to specify the pages,
b) the list of references should be placed at the end of the article in two required versions:
Literature . The bibliographic description of the source includes: the surname and initials of the author (authors), the full title of the publication, the full title of the journal or collected works for the article published in such an issue, the name of the city of publication, the name of the publisher or publishing institution, the year of publication, the number of the volume (for multivolume editions), the number and/or issue (for periodicals). It is desirable to indicate the total number of pages for books and the first page and last one for articles.
The description of the Internet source must contain, in addition to the URL, the date of access. For example:
МихалевскаяА.С. Миф и наука: проблемы взаимодействия в современном обществе: Автореф. дисс. … канд. филос. наук. – URL:… (дата обращения: 30.08.2016) [Mikhalevskaya A.S. Myth and Science: Problems of Their Interaction in Modern Society: Author's Abstract of the Thesis ... Candidate of Philosophy. – URL:… (date of access: 30.08.2016)].
First, there should be placed the list of cited sources in Russian in alphabetical order, then the list of foreign sources (according to the Latin alphabet). Source numeration must be continuous.
The list of references should include only those sources which are mentioned in the text of the article.
References . Bibliographic descriptions should be provided according to the international standard. Russian-language sources should be transliterated; in square brackets, the translation of the source titles into English should be given. For foreign works published in Russian, the names and initials of the authors should be given in the original spelling. For example:
Kedrov, B.M. (1990). Problemy logiki i metodologii nayki [Problems of Logic and Methodology of Science]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 352.
Lednikov, E.E. (2002). Sushchestvovanie i individnye deskriptsii [Existence and individual descriptions]. Logicheskie issledovaniya: Ezhegodnik [Logical Investigations: Yearbook], 9, 113–119.
Greenfield, S. (2018). Odin den iz zhizni mozga: Neyrobiologiya soznaniya ot rassveta do zakata [A Day in the Life of the Brain: The Neuroscience of Consciousness from Dawn Till Dusk]. St. Petersburg, Piter Publ., 240. (In Russ.).
Buckland, A. (2010). Losing the Plot: The Geological Anti-Narrative. Available at:… (date of access: 25.01.2019).
c) Comments of the author of the article should be given in footnotes at the bottom of the page. If the comment contains a reference to a source, it should be framed in the same way as in the text of the article.
4.2. Translations of foreign articles should be submitted with the full publication data of the source; the original text should also be submitted. The translator must get the publisher's or author's permission to publish the translation.
5. Materials should be submitted only in electronic form via e-mail: science [at] (science[at]philosophy[dot]nsc[dot]ru), stor71 [at] (stor71[at]mail[dot]ru)
In electronic form, materials should be typed in Word for Windows (any version). The main font is Times New Roman. If there is a need to use other, non-standard, fonts (Babylonian types, hieroglyphs, ancient Greek, Latin types and other type faces), it is necessary to attach a font file. Type size is 14 points. Line spacing is 1.5 lines. All pages must be numbered. Other styles, including tabbing, are not allowed.
Pictures, diagrams and graphs should be made in formats that can be edited. Pictures, diagrams and graphs should be only black and white, without colored elements and small (solid) fills. It is desirable that they be presented in separate files.
Tables must be formatted in the Microsoft Word text editor. The table number should be right-aligned (in italics), the table heading should be centered (in bold).
Formulas (mathematical, physical, and logical) must be typed in the MathType editor. Formulas should be numbered right-aligned. Automatic numbering of formulas in the text of the article is not allowed.
6. The size of scientific articles and other scientific materials is allowed up to 30,000 symbols according to Word statistics, including spaces and punctuation marks; the size of reviews – up to 15,000 symbols, short reviews – up to 3,000 symbols; the size of scientific messages, notes and letters – up to 15,000 symbols.
Publications exceeding the volumes indicated above are allowed for consideration only by agreement with the editorial board.
7. Printer's proofs will not be sent to the authors.
8. If the article is returned to the author for improvement, correction or reduction, then the date of its submission to the journal is the day when the editors get the final version of the text.
9. Fees for published articles, reports, messages and reviews will not be paid.
10. Materials not accepted for publication will not be returned to the authors.